RINTIS is the abbreviation for Research Innovation Towards Integration and Sustainability which was initiated by Assoc. Prof. Hasnul J Saidon in 2004 as an annual final year projects exhibition that features the three design departments in the School of The Arts, USM. The departments involved are Graphic Communication, New Media Design and Technology, and Product Design. RINTIS is the epilogue of the understudies' endeavours before graduation, permitting them to feature their creative works for conceivable commercialization. It likewise fills in as a pathway for the students to debut into the industry.

This year's RINTIS exhibition, "Bauhaus Inspired," pays homage to the iconic artistic movement known for its emphasis on functionality, minimalism, and the fusion of art and industry. Drawing inspiration from Bauhaus principles, 94 talented final-year students showcase their captivating projects, spanning across three distinct fields.

Exhibition online can be viewed through this link 

School of The Arts
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang Malaysia

t: 604 – 653 3888 ext: 3621 / 3415 | f: 604 – 657 6296
e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Dean)
e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Noor Rismafarra Binti Haris (Assistant Registrar)


  • Last Modified: Monday 17 February 2025.